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Valentina P.


Experience: 7 years.
Specialization: slogan, script, post for social networks, press release, social advertising.

Industries: electronics, household appliances, retail.

She graduated from Cherkasy National University named after B. Khmelnytskyi, took courses on the basics of PR, copywriting in advertising, storytelling for brands. For 3 years, she worked as a proofreader in the publishing center of scientific and educational literature "Akademiya" (Kyiv). For 4 years, she was a copywriter in marketing and advertising agencies Cheil Ukraine and RAM 360 Agency.

Skills: text proofreading, Ukrainian/Russian translation.

Languages: writes in Ukrainian and Russian. 

Team: works together with an art director or designer.
Clients: Samsung Ukraine, Dirt Devil, Ministry of Health, Zhivchyk, MIP, Humana.

Super Ability: Vaccinated! But seriously, these are slogans and scripts for commercial videos. It is still a very interesting naming, but it does not yet have any implemented projects in its portfolio.

Новий потужний пилосос Jet від Samsung
Samsung Ukraine

Новий потужний пилосос Jet від Samsung

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Новий потужний пилосос Jet від Samsung

QLED 75+: час побачити більше!

Samsung The Frame оголошує конкурс!

Текст лендінгу | Core Agency

Текст лендінгу | Core Agency

Прес-реліз | Samsung

Прес-реліз | Samsung

Ідея, слоган, лендінг | Dirt Devil

Ідея, слоган, лендінг | Dirt Devil

Слогани | Samsung Ukraine

Слогани | Samsung Ukraine


A web service of verified creators who produce commercial content  photos, videos, text, design  for social media and business websites. They work on a project basis and part-time

  • Instagram - Белый круг
  • Facebook - Белый круг
  • LinkedIn - Белый круг

Contact us
Julia Pysmenna
+38067 780-75-44

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