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Olga R.

Experience: 20 лет
Specialization: television and film projects.
By education, he is a teacher of foreign languages and literature. For more than 17 years, she worked on Ukrainian national TV channels on documentary projects, talk shows and serials.
In 2015, she became the showrunner and screenwriter of the first Ukrainian web series "", created with the support of BBC Media Action. The project received the Bilbao Web Fest Grand Prix, the Toronto Web Fest cinematography prize, and was included in the DC Web Fest, Seattle Web Fest, and Seoul Kwebfest shortlists. In 2017, she became a creative producer and co-author of the script of the feature film "", created with the support of the Ukrainian State Cinematography Agency. 
As a co-author of the script and creative producer, he works on the feature film "At the Zenith" and is a creative producer of the film "Naive Odyssey". Both projects are created with the support of the Ukrainian Cultural Fund.
Superpower: able to work with an idea from its birth to release; patience is enough for both cycle and full-length projects.
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